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Trip to Cae Coch Sulphur Mine -- 31st Oct 2010Group: Paul, Mary, Ian, Dennis, DaveWe thought this would be an easy and dry trip for a dullish cold day and set off about 09.00 and arrived at the junction of the B5106 with the forest track at about 11.15. After changing we headed up the track looking for the remains of the incline. We pushed on and having gone a considerable distance decided we had missed it. Heading back along the track a few hundred yards showed a stream and a path on the left which we followed, but just led to fields and some old ruined buildings which didn't look right. Having wasted about an hour messing about we headed back down the track towards the car when the remains of the incline and nearby transformer house magically became visible. Since it was now lunchtime Dave & Ian trudged the half mile to the car, picked up the butties and drinks and then wandered back up to rejoin the party. Having located the incline we headed up following a good but steepish track which passed close to the rather wet looking number 4 adit discharging ochreous water. A bit further on the collapsed remains of the number 3 adit and the old tramway were found. Climbing up more steeply led to the number 2 adit which was massive and protected by a tired looking bit of fencing. Heading inside it was clear the place was huge, with odd pillars and bits of timbering holding up the roof. The floor sloped downwards and we followed it passing an old timber ore chute. Eventually we got to a set of brightly coloured pools which contained a lot of peculiar bacterial threads. Traversing along the lower level showed an inclined shaft with some rather corroded pipe going down it. Dave managed to carefully climb down the shaft which ended in a horizontal passage. This had a lot of acidic looking water in it and after a brief foray in both directions it was clear the water would be over welly depth so necessitating a retreat back to the main chamber. Continuing the traverse reached one of the walls complete with excellent formations and the climb back up towards the exit showed some nice crystals (probably gypsum) and some coloured snotites. There were quite a few interesting timber 'cogs' holding the roof up in various places. We had a bit more of a wander around the upper levels and then headed out using a different but equally massive entrance. A nice easy and interesting trip - but keep a careful eye out for the remains of the incline to avoid a lot of un-needed exercise! Total time about 2.5 hours. |